Frank Hutter: Graduate Centre Freiburg Opening Ceremony Talk

SmallData had the pleasure of attending the opening ceremony of the University of Freiburg’s new graduate centre (GraCe).

Our PI Frank Hutter co-led a thought-provoking talk entitled “Wie wird die KI Promovieren verändern?” (How will AI change graduate education?).

Frank Hutter discussed the impact of AI on doctoral research, emphasizing its potential to streamline research processes and accelerate discoveries. He also highlighted the many inherent limitations of AI, including inconsistencies in responses and biases in training data.

We thank GraCe at the University of Freiburg for the fantastic kick-off event, and we express our appreciation to PI Frank Hutter and the many more insightful speakers from the event.

You can find out more about GraCe here.

Photo courtesy of @Jonas Conklin Fotografie

Administrative Manager

Marc Schumacher

Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics,
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center –
University of Freiburg