Benadi G, Dormann CF, Fründ J, Stephan R, and Vázquez DP. Quantitative prediction of interactions in bipartite networks based on traits, abundances, and phylogeny. American Naturalist 2022;199:841–854.
Skarbek CJ, Kobel-Lamparski A, and Dormann CF. Trends in monthly abundance and species richness of carabids over 33 years at the Kaiserstuhl, southwest Germany. Basic and Applied Ecology 2021;50:107–118.
Speich M, Dormann CF, and Hartig F. Sequential Monte-Carlo algorithms for Bayesian model calibration – A review and method comparison. Ecological Modelling 2021;455:109608.
Dormann CF. Calibration of probability predictions from machine-learning and statistical models. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2020;29:760–765.
Ploton P, Mortier F, Réjou-Méchain M, Barbier N, Picard N, Rossi V, Dormann C, Cornu G, Viennois G, Bayol N, Lyapustin A, Gourlet-Fleury S, and Pélissier R. Spatial validation reveals poor predictive performance of large-scale ecological mapping models. Nature Communications 2020;11:4540.
Pinheiro RBP, Felix GMF, Dormann CF, and Mello MAR. A new model explaining the origin of different topologies in interaction networks. Ecology 2019;100:e02796.
Bagnara M, Silveyra Gonzalez R, Reifenberg S, Steinkamp J, Hickler T, Werner C, Dormann CF, and Hartig F. Rlpj: An R package facilitating sensitivity analysis, calibration and forward simulations with the LPJ-GUESS dynamic vegetation model. Environmental Modelling & Software 2018;111:55–60.
Dormann CF, Calabrese JM, Guillera-Arroita G, Matechou E, Bahn V, Bartón K, Beale CM, Ciuti S, Elith J, Gerstner K, and al. et. Model averaging in ecology: A review of Bayesian, information-theoretic and tactical approaches for predictive inference. Ecological Monographs 2018;88:485–504.
Hauenstein S, Dormann CF, and Wood SN. Computing AIC for black-box models using Generalised Degrees of Freedom: A comparison with cross-validation. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 2018;47:1382–1396.
Roberts DR, Bahn V, Ciuti S, Boyce MS, Elith J, Guillera-Arroita G, Hauenstein S, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Schröder B, Thuiller W, Warton DI, Wintle BA, Hartig F, and Dormann CF. Cross-validation strategies for data with temporal, spatial, hierarchical, or phylogenetic structure. Ecography 2017;40:913–929.